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The quality of wet water kraft paper tape?

Article provenance:未知 Popularity:Time:2020-08-03 00:06
Generally, when choosing the wet water kraft tape, it is difficult to identify its quality. Many people think that the kraft paper tape is the same. In fact, the wet kraft paper tape produced by different kraft paper tape manufacturers is quite different, so we will teach you some methods to identify the quality of wet buffalo kraft paper tape. Today, let's take a look at several ways to identify the quality of wet kraft paper tape.
Several methods to identify the quality of wet kraft paper tape
1. Smell: the wet kraft paper tape produced by regular manufacturers has no peculiar smell. When purchasing the wet kraft paper tape, we can smell the tape. If there is acid smell, it is not recommended to buy it. It is likely that the manufacturer uses inferior materials in the production process.
2. Touch: when you buy, you should also feel the thickness and feel of the wet kraft paper tape. The inferior wet kraft paper tape should be hard to feel, and after comparison, the better quality is the opposite.
3. Look: finally, the color of the wet kraft paper tape is observed. There is a clear difference between the good and the poor, especially in the selection of raw materials.
The above is the method to identify the wet kraft paper tape. I hope it can bring some convenience to you. When using the wet kraft paper tape, you should ensure that there are no problems in the process of using, so you should choose the right one when you buy it.

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